How to Measure a Hub: with printable template

How to Measure a Hub: with printable template
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How to Measure a Hub: with printable template

No one wants to get out a ruler and do some math to figure out what size hub you have. Lucky for you, we put together a printable template that is measured to size so all you have to do is hold it up to the bolts on your wheel. 

If you prefer to do the math yourself or don't have access to a printer, there is a super easy way to calculate hub size.


What size hub do you have?

Hub size is calculated as the diameter of the hub. If you have a 4-bolt or 6-bolt hub, measure the distance between the middle of a bolt to the middle of the bolt directly across from it. A 5-bolt hub requires a couple extra steps.

1) Find the middle of a bolt and measure to the center of the hub
2) Multiply that by 2 to find the diameter
3) Diameter is the size of your hub.





OR, download and print this template to measure. Guide the circles on the template to match up
with your bolt holes and that is the size of your hub. 


bolt template


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